Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 - A review

My sweet Lord, it's been a while since I blogged, huh?! I always have these great blog posts running around in my head, and before you know it, they have left my head, never to return. That will teach me not to have a paper and pen with me at all times. Or at least my iPad.

2013 will be a commitment to blog more. I hope. OK, I will try. Then again, as Yoda said, 'There is no try, only DO.' So, indeed, I will DO more blog posts. If not for your sanity, then mine.

For now, there is a beginning line from each month of blog posts in 2012. The blog post from that month that I found most intriguing. Click on the month if you would like to read the post in it's entirety.

2012 Blog Posts

'It's been three years since Grace was diagnosed.'

'Grace has the stomach bug.'

'At the close of the CWD Technology conference in Conshohocken, the speaker, Tom Karlya - aka 'The Diabetes Dad - spoke about perseverance, hope and the power of one.'

'The hardest lesson I have learned about Grace having diabetes is that it's not MY diabetes, it is hers.' 

'Grace is a do-er. I mean, the girl DOES things. All the time. In full-on speed.' 

'Grace started a summer dance class this past week.' 

'9 rolls into 10. And suddenly we are in double digits.'

'31. Thirty one.'

'Grace has wanted to walk home from school since first grade.'

'It's the sleepovers that get me, I think. They let my brain run wild.'

'Grace has an annual blood draw, usually in November.'

'There was a Grace McDonnell, age 7, in that elementary class at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. And I thought of my Grace, and other Graces we know, when I saw her name.'

Here's to a wondrous 2013 for us all.

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